Make your sexual happiness happen for International Women's Day

Sexual happiness seems frivolous and a rather flippant subject to be talking about with regards to something as important as International Women’s Day (Sunday, March 8th), but think about it: How much is sexuality linked to women’s happiness?

All over the world, women are still subjugated, genitally mutilated, raped, disrespected, hidden or ignored in the home and society; passed over in business, community and political roles - all purely because of their sexuality.

This doesn’t just go on in Third World countries. This is going on here and now, in Australia, in the USA, in Europe. Misogyny is still very much alive and kicking. And women are still very unhappy and very unfulfilled. And here comes the frivolous bit if you like, but it’s actually very serious.

How unhappy have you been throughout your life due to an unfulfilled relationship, or lack of one? How often have you felt unsexy, unattractive, unhappy and unsatisfied, because you’re on your own, don’t feel you can get a partner or because you’re in a failing relationship where sex has gone out of the window or has become that once-in-a-blue-moon and often dreaded occurrence?

How much has this affected your overall confidence and self-respect or self-belief?

How often have you wondered what it must be like to be one of those sassy, successful women who seem really sexy, self-assured and seem to walk with a different gait, a confidence that you don’t feel you have?

b37613be0fa171e08ec4aa6b9912b3fePeople paper over it and say relationships aren’t all about sex. No they’re not. They’re about love, commitment, mutual respect and a common goal.

But honestly, would you be happier and more confident in your relationship and in yourself if you and your partner were really ringing each other’s bells on a more regular basis? Would you feel sexier, more confident, more self-assured?

Of course you would!

Sexual happiness should be talked about. It is, or should be, a very important part of you and of your relationship. When you and your partner are truly fulfilled in the bedroom, your relationship is so much better. There is more mutual and self-respect, more camaraderie, more fun, more trust.

Being sexually and sensually confident is completely aligned to self-respect. If you treat yourself right, feel good about yourself, accept yourself for who you are, you exude confidence and you feel so much more attractive. But you must also be confident enough to stop other people treating you badly and putting you down to squash your self-belief.

If you’re in a relationship with someone who belittles you, disrespects you and makes you unhappy, take control and rediscover your old self-respect and mojo. Rediscover the real you that’s bursting to get out. This year’s theme of International Women’s Day is Make it Happen.

All we want to say is: Make your happiness happen. Make your sexual fulfilment happselfconfidence1en. Make your confidence happen. Make 2015 the year of YOU.

Get out there. Take control of your body and your self-confidence. Get in shape.

Get some sexy underwear (it always makes a girl feel good!), look after yourself, pamper yourself.

Now repeat after me: "I am sexy, I am beautiful, I am confident, I am equal, I am powerful, I am woman".

Make it happen.

Jo x
